+7 (495) 743-14-47
"Жизнь нам дана только для того, чтобы мы славили Бога, благотворили ближнему и достигали вечного царства указанным в Евангелии тесным путем"
(св. Преподобный Амвросий Оптинский)
"Что сломанный зуб и расслабленная нога, то надежда на ненадежного человека в день бедствия"

(Притч 25, 20).
"Блажен человек, который снискал мудрость, и человек, который приобрел разум, - потому что приобретение ее лучше приобретения серебра, и прибыли от нее больше, нежели от золота"
(Притч 1,13).


Property insurance is a type of insurance with a property interest associated with the possession, use and disposal of property is the interest insured. The policyholders are any enterprises or organizations of various organizational and legal forms.

As a rule, immovable and movable property is generally accepted for insurance: buildings and structures, premises, warehouse complexes, outbuildings, furniture, production and other equipment, computer and office equipment, video and audio equipment, electronic devices, window glass panes and mirrors, showcases, billboards, masts, goods stored in a warehouse and other property owned by the insured.

The basic risks subject to insurance are as follows:
  • Fire, lightning, explosion;
  • Falling of manned flying objects or their debris;
  • Natural disasters;
  • Water damage as a result of an accident in plumbing, heating, fire-fighting and sewerage systems, water penetration from neighboring (other persons’) premises;
  • Misappropriation (theft, robbery, looting);
  • Unlawful actions of third parties;
  • Terrorism, sabotage;
  • Breaking of window panes, showcases, mirrors;
  • Vehicle collision

If necessary (required by the insured), this list may be supplemented upon agreement with the insurance company.

The insurance agreement establishes exclusions - those events in which the insurance company is not obliged to pay insurance compensation.