+7 (495) 743-14-47
"Жизнь нам дана только для того, чтобы мы славили Бога, благотворили ближнему и достигали вечного царства указанным в Евангелии тесным путем"
(св. Преподобный Амвросий Оптинский)
"Что сломанный зуб и расслабленная нога, то надежда на ненадежного человека в день бедствия"

(Притч 25, 20).
"Блажен человек, который снискал мудрость, и человек, который приобрел разум, - потому что приобретение ее лучше приобретения серебра, и прибыли от нее больше, нежели от золота"
(Притч 1,13).


Insurance Broker RIFAMS Ltd. provides the Reinsureds with the following services:

  • selects Russian and foreign insurance (reinsurance) companies (insurers, reinsurers) (hereinafter referred to as the “reinsurers”) to conclude reinsurance agreements with them (hereinafter referred to as the “reinsurance agreements”) in relation to the risk of insurance indemnity payment (insured amount) under insurance (reinsurance) agreements concluded by the reinsured as an insurer;
  • assists in the development and agreement of the terms and conditions of reinsurance agreements;
  • provides reinsurers with information received from the reinsured about interests insured under insurance (reinsurance) agreements, under which the reinsured acts as an insurer (hereinafter referred to as the “original agreements”). If necessary, it also provides the rules of insurance received from the reinsured, on the basis of which original agreements have been concluded or will be concluded, as well as copies of these original agreements or drafts of the same;
  • upon written request of the reinsured, requests financial statements of reinsurers and documents confirming the right of reinsurers to carry out reinsurance activities (in accordance with the statutory requirements of the registration countries of reinsurers);
  • at the instruction of the reinsured, places under the reinsurance the risk of insurance indemnity payment (insured amount) under original agreements and, on behalf and at the expense of the reinsured, performs actual and legal actions related to the placement of these risks under reinsurance, including conclusion and execution of reinsurance agreements;
  • provides the reinsured with the documents received from the reinsurers confirming the conclusion of reinsurance agreements on the terms and conditions agreed with the reinsured and reinsurers;
  • transfers the funds received from the reinusred to the reinsurers which are due and payable to them under the concluded reinsurance agreements;
  • informs reinsurers of additional circumstances affecting the risk level of a loss occurrence under the original agreements and reinsurance agreements;
  • notifies reinsurers of the occurrence of events carrying the signs of loss occurrence under original agreements that can lead to insured events under reinsurance agreements;
  • provides reinsurers with information (following its receipt from the reinsured) on the reasons and circumstances of the loss occurrences under original agreements and documents (copies) related to the insurance adjustment, on the basis of which the reinsured makes a decision on the payment of insurance compensation, as well as payment documents (copies) on the payment of insurance compensation under the original agreements;
  • supports the timely receipt of reinsurance compensation amounts by the reinsured from reinsurers under reinsurance agreements;
  • distributes the funds received under recourse actions and / or from the sale of returned property by transferring them to the settlement account of reinsurers under reinsurance agreements in shares corresponding to the shares of liability accepted by the reinsurers;
  • provides other services related to the conclusion and execution of reinsurance agreements.

The specified list of services may be amended and / or supplemented within the framework of an agreement on the provision of insurance brokerage services concluded with a specific reinsured.