(св. Преподобный Амвросий Оптинский)
(Притч 25, 20).
(Притч 1,13).
Central Bank of the Russian Federation www.cbr.ru
To the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - To the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
- Electronically via the form: www.cbr.ru/Reception/Message/Register?messageType=Complaint
- In writing to the following address: Neglinnaya st., 12, Moscow, 107016
To the Professional Insurance Brokers Association (PIBA)
- In writing to the following address: 109004, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val st., bldg. 64, block 2
Contact information: Tel.: + 7 (495) 915-80-40 E-mail: info@insurancebroker.ru
Web: www.insurancebroker.ru
In the event that the claims for the service rendered arise, the financial services recipient has the right to take out-of-court settlement measures with Insurance Broker RIFAMS Ltd. directly. If it is impossible to resolve the arisen claim, the financial services recipient has the right to make an appeal to the above addresses (PIBA, Bank of Russia).
The appeal form must contain the following information:
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