+7 (495) 743-14-47
"Жизнь нам дана только для того, чтобы мы славили Бога, благотворили ближнему и достигали вечного царства указанным в Евангелии тесным путем"
(св. Преподобный Амвросий Оптинский)
"Что сломанный зуб и расслабленная нога, то надежда на ненадежного человека в день бедствия"

(Притч 25, 20).
"Блажен человек, который снискал мудрость, и человек, который приобрел разум, - потому что приобретение ее лучше приобретения серебра, и прибыли от нее больше, нежели от золота"
(Притч 1,13).
Insurance Broker RIFAMS Ltd. provides the insurer (reinsurer) with the following services: 
  • analyzes the ability of an insurer (reinsurer) to accept the insurance risk under insurance (reinsurance);
  • provides the insurer (reinsurer) with methodological assistance, including in determining the insurance (reinsurance) rate upon the acceptance by the insurer (reinsurer) of a specific insurance risk under insurance (reinsurance);
  • develops specific terms and conditions of a draft insurance (reinsurance) agreement for certain risks on the basis of policy conditions possessed by the insurer (reinsurer);
  • informs the insurer (reinsurer) of the financial status of the insurer (reinsurer) or the insured (reinsured) suggested by Insurance Broker RIFAMS Ltd. for the conclusion of an appropriate insurance (reinsurance) agreement with the insurer (reinsurer);
  • provides the insurer (reinsurer) with information on the potential insureds and reinsureds interested in concluding insurance and reinsurance agreements with the insurer (reinsurer) in accordance with the insurance terms and conditions communicated by the insurer (reinsurer) to Insurance Broker RIFAMS Ltd.;
  • provides the insurer (reinsurer) with information on the Russian and foreign reinsurance companies interested in concluding reinsurance agreements and other contracts with the insurer (reinsurer) for those types of insurance for which the insurer (reinsurer) has a corresponding license.
  • provides other services related to insurance (reinsurance), in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The specified list of services may be amended and / or supplemented within the framework of an agreement on the provision of insurance brokerage services concluded with a specific insurer (reinsurer).